The Northern Star, more than just a symbol. Let’s keep up the good work at Home First!
The Northern Star represents the strength of our communities coming together to shine, to support a common goal: improving our health care at home first. It’s a star that guides our efforts, a star that lights our way to a healthier, more united and more prosperous future.
“Continuing for health at home first” is our rallying cry. We believe that health begins at home, in our own communities. That’s why we’re committed to strengthening and improving local healthcare, ensuring that every member of our community has access to quality care, when they need it.
Our goal is clear: to ensure that every individual, every family, every child has access to the healthcare they need. This means setting up prevention programs, improving local medical facilities and supporting the health professionals who work tirelessly for our well-being.
Every contribution counts. Together, we’ve already completed several concrete projects. Your contribution this year will help fund essential projects for our hospitals.
Join the cause, make a donation, and together, let’s continue the fight for health at home first.
Here’s how to contribute to the Northern Star for your hospital:
Tree dedication: People are invited to make a dedication to honour or pay tribute to a loved one. In exchange for a donation of $200, the name will be displayed on a Christmas ornament, which will then be placed on a tree outside the hospital.
It’s possible to procure the mini-trees in one of the following places:
Bathurst, Beresford and Petit Rocher - Clinique médicale Népisiguit
- Clinique centre-ville
- Clinique de chirurgie générale
- Clinique de la Rive
- Clinique de rhumatologie
- Clinique d’ophtalmologie
- Clinique médicale Chaleur
- Clinique Dr. Wade
- Clinique d’orthopédie
- Clinique Phi
Caraquet and Paquetville - Coop Gas Bar
- Jean Coutu
Lamèque and Shippagan - Clover Farms LeBreton
Shippagan - Épicerie Indépendant
Shippagan - La Société Coopérative de Lamèque
Tracadie and Sheila - Jean Coutu
Or online: Buy online now!
- For the mini-trees that will be purchased online, they will be placed in the respective hospital cafeterias.
Illumination: The lighting takes place at the hospital on November 29, throughout the territory of the participating foundations. During the evening, people who have made a dedication will have the opportunity to place these dedications on the trees, and afterwards, we proceed with the illumination of over 200 trees in front of our hospitals.
Mini-trees: Symbolizing the renewal of life, the fir tree represents the hope we want to convey to people going through a difficult health period. Those interested in helping make a difference for our care at home first can purchase these mini-sapins for $2, $5, $10 and $20.
Here are the mini-trees – Buy online now!
State-of-the-art equipment for our Acadie-Bathurst hospitals
The funds raised through the 2022 Northern Star campaign will be used to purchase a variety of equipment to meet the needs of our hospitals and continue to make a difference in the lives of our residents. This campaign aims to give people access to quality health care close to home and their loved ones.
Thank you for your support!
The nine participating foundations are:
- Chaleur Regional Hospital Foundation (Bathurst);
- Fondation Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus Inc. (Caraquet);
- Foundation of the Friends of the Grand Falls General Hospital Inc. (Grand Falls);
- Edmundston Regional Hospital Foundation (Edmundston);
- La Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque (Lamèque);
- Friends of Healthcare Foundation (Campbellton);
- Fondation Dr Romaric Boulay (Saint-Quentin);
- The Friends of the Stella-Maris-de-Kent Foundation (Sainte-Anne-de-Kent);
- Fondation Les Amis de l’Hôpital de Tracadie (Tracadie).
Read the press release > Launch of the 18th Northern Star Campaign: An exceptional collaboration to benefit the health of our community